10 Days North Bay

A 10 day focus on prayer from Oct. 2-12, 2024 for North Bay and area

Sign Up to Pray See Prayer Fuel

Our Vision

To see the churches of North Bay and area mobilized to worship, fast and pray during these 10 days

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Praying for personal repentance and revival!

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
(Psalm 51:10)

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Praying for unity in the Body of Christ!

Jesus in us, that we may become perfectly one. (John 17:23 pp.)

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Praying that Jesus will be exalted and our community will turn to Him!

When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people to Myself (John 12:32)

“10 Days - North Bay” is prayer initiative under the umbrella of “10 Days”, (10days.net) which is a global prayer movement. “10 Days” has been mobilizing 10 days of prayer around the world every year since 2012. Last year, over 400 locations participated.

Sign Up to Pray

3.35 days

Time Committed


Prayer Warriors


Prayer Commitments Needed

Calendar of Events

Do you have a group meeting you would like to invite others to?
Please email Patricia ([email protected]) to have your corporate event added to the calendar.

Copy/paste the link below to view any group events:


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